Hi everyone, this is the 1st post of my blog. On here, you'll be able to follow the progress (or lack of!) of my work. Since I'm currently working on my Lizardmen army, I'll start this blog with some pictures of my Saurus Warrior Test Model. I'm currently working on the rest of the unit so you can expect to see 20 of those guys in the near future.
The model was fairly quick to paint and only required some very basic techniques. The model was first undercoated with GW's Chaos Black Primer. The skin was then given a Knarloc Green basecoat followed by a Thraka Green wash. I then highlighted some parts of the skin. For the scales, I used a Coal Black (P3 color) basecoat, followed by a Badab Black wash. I then drybrushed the scales Codex Grey and finished them with a very light drybrush of Space Wolves Grey. The bones and teeth were painted in the same fashion. I gave them a Khemri Brown basecoat followed by a Devlan Mud wash. I then highlighted those parts Jack Bone (P3 equivalent of Bleached Bone) and continued highlighting adding some white into the mix. I then gave a final wash of Devlan Mud to tie it all together. The shield was first given a basecoat of Scab Red, followed by a Badab Black wash. I then used a mix of Scab Red and Blood Red to repaint the scales, making sure to leave the recessed area free of new paint. I then progressively highlighted each scale adding some Khador Red Highlight (P3 color equivalent to Fiery Orange) into the previous Scab Red/Blood Red mix.
I'm still working on the bronze, as I'm not very satisfied with how the weapon looks as of now. Once I figure it all out, I'll share my recipe with you all!
I really hope you guys enjoyed this first post, I'm very eager to read your comments!
Voilà un schéma de couleurs original : on dirait que ta cité-temple est situé non loin d'une région marine.