Sunday, August 7, 2011

Skink Skirmishers

These guys were the first unit I painted for Lizardmen. I'm very pleased with the way they look considering it had been many years since I had last painted anything. The skin was first given a basecoat of Frostbite (P3 color) before getting some Asurmen Blue wash. The scales were simply given a basecoat of Coal Black (P3 color) before getting an Ironbull Grey (P3 color) drybrush. I really like the crests which was painted first using Scab Red, then a Scab Red/Blood Red mix before adding some Khador Red Highlight (P3 color) into that mix. Other then that, bones were treated in a similar fashion to the Saurus Warrior Test Model of my previous post. I'm planning on making them a real skirmishing base in the next couple of days so you can expect a better picture sometime soon of that unit.

1 comment:

  1. Un très joli schéma de couleurs mariant une couleur froide (bleue) et une couleur chaude (rouge/orange). L'ensemble contraste très bien avec le vert des socles !!

    Continue comme ça !!
